Monday, April 11, 2011

Spaghetti Pie

Borrowed from Heidi Reservitz


- 1lb hamburger or turkey meat (I always use turkey)
- 2 small cans of tomato sauce (I use garlic tomato sauce)
- 8oz spaghetti
- 4 to 6oz cream cheese
- 4 to 6oz sour cream
- chives (
- shredded cheddar cheese (I use a lot, probably 2 cups if not more)


1. Cook turkey meat in cans of garlic tomato sauce, let it simmer and soak in the sauce (can add more or less sauce depending on how much you prefer)
2. Also cook 8oz spaghetti
3. In a bowl mix about 4oz of sour cream with about 4oz of cream cheese and scallions (this part you can adjust the amounts to suit your likes/dislikes, I use a lot of all 3)
4. In a greased casserole dish you will put the spaghetti first, then cover it with a layer of the sour cream/cream cheese/scallion mix, then pour the meat and sauce on as the third layer and then sprinkle
cheese over the entire thing.
5. Put in the oven at 350, with the cover on the dish, for 25 minutes.
6. Then take the cover off and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Cook's Comments:
- it's great with garlic bread!
- freezes okay

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