Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chicken Stir Fry

Homemade recipe!

Veggies may vary, but for an example:

package of thin skinless chicken breasts
terryaki sauce (or other sauce if you prefer)
white rice (or brown)
red onion
variety of peppers
sugar snap peas
cherry tomatoes
manderin oranges

1. Slice the chicken into small pieces and cook in a frying pan - I cook with a little of the terryaki sauce to get the flavor right from the beginning. I always salt and pepper the chicken as I go. More pepper, less salt.
2. Some rice takes five minutes, some twenty-five, so cook your rice accordingly. I didn't put an amount of rice because some people like a lot, some don't, so whatever you like.
3. In a separate frying pan start sauteing the chopped veggies. I start with onions and peppers and peas if I use those. The last things I throw in are the tomatoes and fruit.  I cook the veggies and fruit in the terryaki sauce.
4. Once everything is cooked I pile rice, then chicken, then the veggies onto a plate. Delish!

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