Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Zucchini Soup

Borrowed from Lindsey

     Ingredients and steps together:
1 medium yellow onion  dice and saute in...
2 oz butter ( 1 or 2 tablespoons)
1 lg zucchini cubed ( 12--15 ins. long. more or less to taste)
  throw in with onions
1T. flour sprinkled over cooked zucchini. Stir a bit to mix,
3 pints light stock( chicken broth or veg broth if cooking for a vegetarian)
salt & pepper 
Simmer until zucchini is very soft  it doesn't take long.
Blend soup in batches in blender & return to pot.

tricky part:  
blend 2 yolks with
2T cream
take some of the hot soup and blend with yolks.
this makes yolks warm and keeps them form cooking too fast making the soup
lumpy instead of creamy.
While stirring, mix yolk mixture into soup.
Add chopped dill to taste. I suppose the dill can go in earlier. Probably doesn't make a difference.
At this point you never want the soup to boil or it will curdle.
Just warm through.

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