Sunday, March 23, 2014

Butternut Squash and Spinach Quesadillas


  • 4 cups of butternut squash, peel and diced into small 1/2 inch size cubes
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon butter (or vegan substitute) + more for frying flour tortillas
  • 6 ounce bag baby spinach leaves
  • 16 six inch flour tortillas or 8-12 eight inch ones
  • 2 cups mozzarella cheese (or vegan substitute), shredded
  1. Heat olive oil and 1 teaspoon of butter over medium-high heat.
  2. Add butternut squash and saute for about 5-7 minutes or until squash is just about fork tender.
  3. Add spinach leaves and saute for about 3 minutes more or until spinach has wilted. Remove from heat.
  4. To assemble each quesadilla
  5. Butter one side of the tortilla and place it butter-side down in a clean pan that has been heated over medium heat.
  6. Spread about 1/2 cup of butternut squash and spinach mixture over the tortilla.
  7. Sprinkle about 1/4 cup of cheese over the top of the squash and spinach.
  8. Butter one side of a second tortilla and place it, butter-side up on top of the cheese.
  9. When the bottom layer is toasty and the cheese has begun to melt (about 1-2 minutes), flip the tortilla over and toast the other side.
  10. Remove from pan and repeat process to make the rest of the quesadillas.
  11. Cut quesadillas into triangles using a pizza cutter.

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