Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chicken Pot Pie

Borrowed (and adapted) from Sarah Bochenek


4 chicken breasts
potatoes, boiled and chopped*
carrots, boiled and chopped*
peas, 1 can
butternut squash, boiled and chopped*
parsnips, boiled and chopped* -- I don't always use
chicken broth
salt and pepper to taste
curry powder
onion powder
celery salt
olive oil
1-2 pastry sheets - depends how much crust you like

I never follow directions or amounts for ingredients, I always just do what looks right

1. Boil the chicken, usually takes about 25ish minutes. Once it has cooled, shred it into pieces.
2. I am a big fan of saving time so instad of peeling, boiling and chopping all my own veggies, I buy frozen whatever I can. You can usually find packages of diced potatoes, so I just thaw those and throw them in. You can also do the same for the squash. For the carrots and parsnips though, you do have to peel, chop and boil.  The parsnips have a very stong taste so if you use them, start with a little.
3. In a big pot, saute the onions in olive oil.  Once they are translucent, add a little flour and chicken broth, continuing to add both until a nice thick paste is forming. 
4. Start adding in the chicken and veggies, folding it into the onion/flour mixture. 
5. The more flour and stock you add, the more of a sauce you will have .... it took us a couple times to get it how we really like it.
6. As you are mixing together, add spices.  This is another area where no measuring is involved, I just add a bunch of all those spices, so obviously add more/less depending on what you like.
7. Once everything is mixed in, pour into a deep casserole dish and top with the thawed pastry dough.
8. Bake at 400 for about 45 minutes or until the pastry is starting to brown and is no longer doughy looking.

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